Welcome to the least viewed website of known society.This website probably will be the most pointless, useless, boring, unimportant, insignificant  website you will EVER see. If your still reading what we do is talk about the bleak uneventful history...the history of chairs. Yes the background has nothing, NOTHING to do with chairs. We will start with a brief image time line of the history of chairs.This is probably in no way the real history of chairs. We are just sort of taking random pictures of chairs and posting them onto this site. Enjoy.



                                                                                                   First...Folding Chairs!





                                                                                     Now the exciting history of Rocking Chairs!






                                                                                               To our Royal Throne Chairs section!









                                      Yeah...We dont know how that gingerbread house got ther either!Hope you enjoyed!


                                P.S. If you have enjoyed this you are a complete psycomaniac that needs to be put in a home : )













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